Monday, 16 July 2012

Dutch Carpenter Builds Replica of Noah’s Ark To “Sail” To The Olympics

It is really becoming very true that there is nothing impossible if you set your heart to achieve it. 

Imagine someone who sat down and after a thorough thought process decided to build a replica of Noah's ark. What do you think could have given birth to this idea? I'm sure so many people would have discouraged him (I would have been one of them). What could have been the reaction of his family? 

Well, let's patiently wait. He'll provide answers to these questions and many more insight into the why of this ark if he gets to read this.

Yes, you wanna know him? He is a Dutch Carpenter and has succeeded in building a replica of Noah’s Ark To “Sail” to the Olympics

Johan Huibers completed a replica of the biblical Noah’s Ark. Johan spent three years and $1.6Million to make his dream come true and plans to sail to the London Olympics. Johan’s ark which is made of Swedish pine reinforced with steel is 450ft long and weighs almost 3,000 tons.

Now, please don't think this is weird. If you were Noah and you can see this ark from heaven, would you smile at a job well done or become green with jealousy?

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Together Two Achieves More!

It all began with God, when he created Adam, and later Eve. God understood perfectly the importance of having a couple for the task he is to give man. From generation to generation, the impact of joining forces to accomplish the unimaginable has been monumental.

My pastor, Pastor Bola Odutola once said, 'if there is one thing God cherish, it is the unity of purpose'. Remember the wall of Jericho, it was with a common purpose that it was raised down. The trinity that teaches God as the father, the son and the holy spirit is also based on unity.

Today, what we see is a generation not at peace with itself. People are at each other's throat, trying to out do one another just to gain the spot light.
As we see today, the superiority of man is in material things he buys. 'I beta pass my neighbour' is in our homes not necessarily because we need electricity, rather, it is because, we, unlike our neighbours can afford one.

Christians and Muslims are disagreeing over the supremacy of one religion over the other. In offices, mediocres and impressionists reign supreme. People have left their core duties to embrace office politics, arrogating achievements to themselves without giving due credits to those who toiled day and night to make things work. Some will complain about their bosses, forgetting that they are part of the problems.

How about leaders and the gornerned? Pastor Rick Warren once said, 'Followers make leaders. Without followers, we are loners, not leaders'. The followers have also forgotten that they can achieve more with their votes. They forgot the need for a common purpose and the need to secure a better future for the generation unborn.  They got carried away by the gimmicks of the ruling few.

Hmmmn…here is my take, we should all realise that there are innumerable gains in unity. This country was built upon the foundation of unity, three major tribes coming together with one purpose. We can do little by ourselves, we will do much more when we learn to work with others.
According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 'Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains, one thinks himself the master of others but he is a greater slave than they'. The greatness we so much desire could be in the association we form. We are not made to be an island.

According to Deut. 32:30, 'How could one chase a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight, unless their rock had sold them, and the lord had given them up?'. This verse buttresses the fact that two people can do much more than one person given the same amount of grace. He who has read this piece, should think on these things!

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